這兩天晚上,在Sophia平常都已熟睡的時間,突然聽到她的哭聲。過去看她時,發現她正用一種愛睏又有點難過的表情看著我。 幫她翻身仰臥,並跟她講講話,她便又吸起她的右手大拇指,闔上眼彷彿睡去。我悄悄走出她的房間,然後她便一睡到隔天六點我叫醒她。

我跟老公討論為何她會這樣,我們覺得Sophia大概是作惡夢吧!所以嚇醒了自己,然後看到媽媽聽到媽媽的聲音,便又很快的睡著。 只是,這麼小的嬰兒,會有什麼惡夢呢?夢到沒東西吃嗎? 也許剛好手被身體壓住吸不到手指,然後在Sophia的夢裡,就變成了食物不見了,然後她就嚇醒了。

她現在會發出"BA-BA"的聲音,但經實驗證明只要她心情好,她對任何人都會發出這聲音。可見她不是在叫爸爸。尤其是要幫她洗澡時(她喜歡洗澡),她更是常"BA-BA"叫。 也許她是在說高興的話吧。

Sophia's nightmare

These two days, Sophia woke up during the night at the time that she usually sleeps soundly. I checked her up and talked to her, then she quickly sucked to her thumb and closed her eyes and seemed asleep. I left her room without any complaint from her, and she slept until 6AM the next morning.

My husband and I wondered why she woke up. We guessed that maybe she had some nightmares. But what on earth can an infant baby like her have for nightmare? No Food? Yes, maybe she somehow couldn't reach her thumb which might be a symbol of food for her and so she cried for food and woke herself up. After her mommy adjusted her posture so she could find her thumb again, she fell right back to sleep.----Just a guess.

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