
法律要求幼稚園老師每學期要與小朋友的父母一對一會面一次,討論小朋友這一學期來的成長與學習情況。 今天早上我和老公去和Sophia的老師Whendy會面,Whendy給我們一個書面報告,第一個部分是一些生活上的小趣事記錄:

Anecdotal Observations


10/15/09  Wake up time, Dramatic Play Observed by Stephanie

Today at wake up time Sophia got up on her own, out her sheets away all by herself, and then went to the bathroom without any help or reminders. I said "Thank you Sophia! You did it all by yourself today!" She responded with "Yeah! I'm a big girl!"


11/03/09 Morning time, Sand Pit, observed by Leslie:

Sophia, Jiyoo and Azsiyah were playing together in the sand kitchen. Sophia turns to me and says, "We're making ice! Azsiyah is my friend!" They continue ti stir the sand in the buckets. Sophia adds, "Ooooohhh! It's cold!"


12/01/09 Morning time, Main Room, oberved by Whendy

Sophia: Look Whendy! This is a picture for you!

Whendy: Oh thank you! What is the picture for?

Sophia: It's a castle and a princess!

Whendy: Where do the castle and the princess live?

Sophia: I don't know.

Whendy: Oh, well where do you live?

Sophia: In a castle!


11/05/09 11:35, Garden, observed by Stephanie

Sophia is in the garden. She's helping Whendy water the plants using one of the blue watering cans. She goes over to the little "playschool" table in the corner of the garden to draw with markers. She uses an orange marker to draw what appears to be a sun. Then she uses a blue marker to spell her name after Pita asks her to. She asks where to put her drawing and places it in the basket. She goes up the path and comes back hopping, "Look, I'm jumping!" she says. When she reaches the bottom, she goes back up  the path to do it again. When she finishes, she goes over to the bird feeder and looks at it with Zoe. After Pita tells them not to touch it, she goes hopping back up the path. Then she points to the little garden statues and says, "Turtle and butterfly! And he's smelling leaves!" Then she goes over to Whendy to help her hold the hose. When Whendyasks her to, Sophia does get a watering can and joins in watering the plants for a few minutes. When the water is almost out, she turns the watering can upside down to get out all of the water and then puts it away in the shelf. "There, I'm done!" she says and runs up the pathway and heads to the sand area to play with Sakshi and Azsiyah. She foes to the sand table to play with the dishes and places sand on the plate using a cup and a stick. She then grabs the big clear bin to put more sand into the cup. She grabs some woodchips from the deck area to put on her plate. When she finishes that, she gets the green hand-shaped plate and fills it with sand and decorates it with sticks. When Sebastian comes over and takes one of the cups they were playing with, the three girls yell, "No, no, no!"

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