We picked up Sophia earlier yesterday and Veronica told me this today when we sent Sophia to her.

When we got there Michael was crying for some reasons, so he didn't notice as Sophia left with us. When he was done with crying, he started looking for Sophia. He was walking around, saying "Sophia, Sophia". Michael has just started saying some phases recently, but he can say Sophia's name very clearly already.

Veronica told her son, Alex, (in Bangladesh)to ask Michael where Sophia was. Alex did, and Michael murmured something mostly they couldn't understand except the word "hide". That means Michael thought that Sophia was playing with him, hiding somewhere. Alex then told Michael to go find Sophia, and Michael started walking all over the house, calling Sophia's name.

I forget how this story ends. Maybe Veronica didn't tell me because we were just laughing about what Michael did.

I've got the feeling that Michael and Sophia are the best friends among the kids, probably because they two are about the same age and they look alike (Michael is half American and half Asian). I sometimes saw them together "talking", at one corner of the room, and when we got there, Sophia usually ran to us right away, and then Michael would also start crying right away, probably because he knew Sophia was leaving him.

I wish I could have seen Michael looking for Sophia.

The friendship between Michael and Sophia just makes me wonder how babies build up a relationship with another person. We know that babies build up relationship with the carers. Apparently Sophia is not caring Michael, she is about six months younger than Michael. A possible reason that I can think of is that babies also need people who "understand" them, and who can "talk" to them, in their "language". With those foundation, babies build up friendship easily with other babies of similar age.


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